Sunday, October 5, 2014

Coming up...


Vocabulary Charades

As part of our vocabulary unit each week, students get to act out the words for the rest of the class to guess.  Here, Aidan R. and Greg S. act out the word "assailant".  Hmmm!
 Matthew M., Kent B. and Matthew S. acting out some kind of animal - maybe!
 Grace M. and Claire G. also acting out "assailant".
Izzy C. performing a great rendition of "serene".

Paris is so beautiful in October!

I was really glad that I got to share Ms. Frisillio's Skype to gay Paris in her French class.  Her students got to talk to a classmate skyping from Starbucks in Paris, and we caught a great shot of the Eiffel Tower!

About Me

I am so happy to be a part of All Saints Catholic School again! I was born and raised in Surrey, England and started my teaching career there. Interestingly, my high school was called St. Anne's College! My husband and I emigrated in 1981 and became United States citizens in 1994. Our two daughters both attended All Saints and Bishop Kelley, and I was active in the All Saints P.T.O and served on the school board during that time. I taught English Language Arts, mainly at the pre-AP level, at Sequoyah and Childers middle schools from 2001-2014. My first love has always been literature, so I am delighted to be sharing that love with your children this year!