Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Welcome, everyone!  I am so looking forward to a wonderful 2015-2016 school year!  The first two days were busy, so I only managed to capture a couple of pictures, but there will be more to follow.

First day locker scramble.

Seventh graders taking their summer reading tests. :(

Choosing a book from our classroom library.

About Me

I am so happy to be a part of All Saints Catholic School again! I was born and raised in Surrey, England and started my teaching career there. Interestingly, my high school was called St. Anne's College! My husband and I emigrated in 1981 and became United States citizens in 1994. Our two daughters both attended All Saints and Bishop Kelley, and I was active in the All Saints P.T.O and served on the school board during that time. I taught English Language Arts, mainly at the pre-AP level, at Sequoyah and Childers middle schools from 2001-2014. My first love has always been literature, so I am delighted to be sharing that love with your children this year!